What is the etiquette about wearing sunglasses to a nudist resort or nude beach?


Is there etiquette about wearing sunglasses to a nudist resort or nude beach?


How does nudism affect one’s libido in the bedroom?


I’ve wanted to try the nudist lifestyle for a while, and am “getting up the nerve” to plan my first experience. One thing I’m concerned about is how becoming so comfortable to be naked with the opposite sex (I’m a male) in a non-sexual way will affect my libido in the bedroom. In other words, can nudism desensitize someone from becoming sexually aroused (in the bedroom)? I know the naked body isn’t the only way to become sexually aroused, but it IS a significant part of a couple’s intimacy. For you married and committed couples out there, how has being nudists affected your sex life?


Diversity in nudism


I’m interested in the nudist lifestyle and all the benefits I read about. I’m curious about how culturally diverse it is at nudist locations. When I see photos, it always seems there are only Caucasians and very little Asians, and other people of color. Is this how it is? I’m Asian and am wondering how conspicuous I’ll feel. Thanks in advance to those who respond.


How to invite someone to go with me to a nudist resort?


I’ve never been to a nudist resort or location, but am very interested to. I’m not in a relationship right now, so I don’t have a trusted “significant other” to ask to go to a nudist resort with me. Most of what I read seems to discourage single males going alone. Any advice?