What is the big deal about being naked?


Why does it matter whether or not you can be naked. I just don’t see the big deal.


Why do you have to be nude for spas?


Wondering… Why do you have to be nude for spas?


What does it mean to be naked?


Mainstream media has it known that one can be considered naked just by wearing their underpants/bras. Typical male nudists generally imply being naked to be without their pants while some women without their tops. So…what really does it mean to be naked?


Is Nudism Today Different From Nudism 30 years ago?


I am just wondering if nudism and the nudist movement as a whole have change over the years and if so then how?


Why Is The Church Anti Nudism?


Why Is The Church Anti Nudism – So I have looked up and down and all over but I can find any arguments against nudism in the bible (new and old). Can someone explain to me why the church would be against nudity?