any places online where I can learn About Nudism?
learn about nudism – Is there a safe site where I can learn about nudism that does not contain porn? I am a family man and don’t want to end up on a site that has sex videos, porn ads or other links referencing porn sites while my children are nearby the computer.
For the last 3 years, the podcast has been discussing naturist issues. Since it is audio-only, you know that only people who are really interested in naturism are listening – last August, that was over 45,000 people. It is definitely family oriented.
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LikeDislikeFor the last 3 years, the Naturist Living Show podcast has been discussing naturist issues. Since it is audio-only, you know that only people who are really interested in naturism are listening – last August, that was over 45,000 people. It is definitely family oriented.
About the best site out that, that isn’t a disguise for soft porn is truenudists.com
Suggest; AANR and http://www.figleafforum.org
POSTCRIPT to my previous message. You might, additionally want to look at; http://naturist-christians.org http://cnvillage.org and http://clothesfreeforum.com