Doesn’t it feel a little weird that the kids are naked too?
I have no problem being naked around other adults, but doesn’t if feel a little weird that the kids are naked too?
I have no problem being naked around other adults, but doesn’t if feel a little weird that the kids are naked too?
Not really. Maybe at first if you’re not used to it, but you soon realize that most of the kids there have been raised as a nudist for the majority, if not all, of their lives, so being nude around adults isn’t the least bit uncomfortable for them. Your own children may take some time adjusting, but if you go to a family place, there will be lots of other kids for them to play with and they will very quickly get over any hangups they might have.
No, Kids are born wanting to be naked most of the time. Its only when we tell them to wear clothes that they begin to build those notions. However, EVERYONE will be watching out for their children to make sure someone does not do anything inappropriate. Children who are raised in a nudist environment tend to have a higher self-image, esteem. So as long as you are appropriate, I don’t see why it has to be weird.
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LikeDislikeEverything you teach or say to the child: “it’s bad” or “it’s wrong”, they believe it. Watch what you teach or how you talk in front of them.
If you act natural while naked in front of the kids, they will never learn a concept like “Nude = Bad”.
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LikeDislikeNudism is suitable for all ages from birth to our last day of life. There is no reason that any age group should be favored or discriminated against.
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LikeDislikeThe first time I went to Haulover Beach I was shocked to see children running around naked with all the adults. It took about 30 seconds for me to realize that the kids didn’t give a crap about being naked or seeing naked people. They just wanted to build sand castles and run into the water. It’s really no big deal.
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LikeDislikeChildren don’t equate nudity with sex. That’s behavior taught to them by adults. Kids are the most natural nudists there are. And as someone else said, they are watched like a hawk in a nudist environment.
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LikeDislikeThe only reason that someone feels uncomfortable with children being nude is that our culture has taught them that. There is NO reason for anyone to feel uncomfortable with nude children around (though people will still need to keep an eye on them for protection, the same as you would in any other venue).
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LikeDislikePersonally, I prefer family friendly environments. As a father myself, I’m happy for the kids and for their parents that their kids will grow up unashamed and accepting of others.
I have two sons, eleven and twelve. We’ve been visiting naturist resorts for three years. Never once felt weird about nude children. My boys forget all about the nudity and play with other kids, including little girls, like there’s no big deal. Nudity is not an issue. Nobody gets weird and stares. They just play in the pool like any other textile kids. One thing though. Have PLENTY of sunscreen on hand and keep applying it if there’s a lot of sun. Nude children don’t excite me. I usually take a book to read. I think naked kids are cute and beautiful creations of God almighty.