What is the proper nudist etiquette for applying sunscreen on a naked person?
This is one I have had a hard time getting an answer to and think it might be helpful to people new to Nudism / Naturism. Is it inappropriate to put sunscreen on one’s breasts, and between one’s legs, in the open at a Nudist gathering?
It is done all the time, just don’t get carried away.
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LikeDislikeI would not go around and ask women if they need some sun screen lathered on their breasts. With that said, if you know the person and are asked to apply some on their back then why not!
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No. It is not inappropriate. The only time it where it would not be allowable if you end up making it sexual to arouse oneself or to arouse someone else, that is not okay. However, if you are putting sun screen to protect yourself and that is it, then go ahead. No one is going to think anything of it unless you go overboard.
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LikeDislikeDoes there have to be rules for EVERYTHING? Just do it but don’t make it an erotic performance
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LikeDislikeJust apply it normally. Rather like soaping down in the shower. It’s a task, but don’t revel in it.
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LikeDislikeJust do it the way you usually do. N one will pay any attetion. It’s much worse to get a bad sunburn!!
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LikeDislikePersonally, I don’t use sunscreen because the chemicals in it is carcenogenic, and it prevents your skin from making Vitamin D, so you have a double whammy for increasing your chances of getting cancer.
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LikeDislikeI personally get a bit insecure when applying sunscreen to my body which I need to work on since it is a natural process. The same goes for showering around men other than my bf. There are times when I don’t rub on lotion around strangers because I don’t want to mislead them. Instead I do it in my shelter or in a private area. I need to realize this is all in my head and not everyone thinks that way especially true naturists.
It would be nice if there were no set rules for everything; however, human beings are so quick to respond rather than to look at the entire picture from start to finish. The most inappropriate gesture the nudist community keeps a watch out for is lewd behavior so if you show any form of public display that can be misleading, be prepared to be approached or do what you can do avoid it. Applying sunscreen to your own body is not misleading nor is it when putting it on someone else. Just be sure to read your environment carefully and the nature of your privacy if you chose to go beyond the norm and give a full on massage.
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LikeDislikeI usually use the no rub spray on kind or I try to be discrete more like Melissa. If you do not make a big deal out of it neither should anyone else, even if you feel a little shy. Like I do or Melissa does.
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