How To Create a Club For Nudists?
Creating a club For Nudists – I am trying to get a naturist / nudist club started at my school, any suggestions on activities or how to run one/
Creating a club For Nudists – I am trying to get a naturist / nudist club started at my school, any suggestions on activities or how to run one/
Unless you plan to study bugs, try “naturist”.
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LikeDislikeCorrect, I am trying to start a naturist club. I am currently in the beginning stages of starting one.
If you’re going to limit it to your school, you’re in for a long haul. Only thing you really can do is flyers on bulletin boards, word of mouth, and maybe something in the school newspaper. Make sure your school will approve since you’re using their resources.
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LikeDislikeStep 1 complete. Approval of the club.
Step 2: Find an advisor, write a charter and constitution of the clu.
Step 3: Spread th word :)
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LikeDislikeExcellent Strider1. :-) Keep us abreast of your progress!
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LikeDislikeMost colleges try to be open-minded about such things as long as you’re not planning on being nude on school property. Start a non-landed club or associate with a local club. Have information session and invite people to come and give it a try in a non-committal way.
Unless you live in Santa Cruz or San Francisco, I wouldn’t even talk about it at the high school level.