I would love to hear some stories about how you first because involved in naturism or nudism, who told you about it, what your first experience was like and anything else you would like to share including any advice for anyone who is looking to try it out for the first time!
U tell us!
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LikeDislikeI did, see my comment below :)
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LikeDislikea date that I took to see CarrotTop took me home, I went to the bathroom and she undressed and then she taught me about me about it.
as a young teen had family holidays in yugoslavia (yes it was THAT long ago) saw the naturist holidays and beaches and got interested from there
I don’t remember the exact “eureka” moment I figured out that I liked nudism, but my parents worked a lot when I was younger. So I was home alone quite a bit – especially in the summer when I was out of school. I started by just being naked around the house. Then I got braver, and would go out on the roof of my house, which I could access from my bedroom window. The back side of our house wasn’t really visible from any of the neighbors’ houses. Then I got even braver and started walking naked around the woods at the end of the dead-end street I lived on.
For those interested in trying nudism, I suppose it depends on your age, living situation and access to nude beaches or clubs (and transportation to those clubs). It can be challenging when you’re younger, and you’re living with family or roommates. My advice to anyone would be to start in your room. Anybody at any age can do this. Make a point of being nude every time you’re in your room. Sleep naked if you don’t already. It may take some getting used to, but after a while it will feel normal.
Join organizations like AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) and Young Naturists of America. They have great information about nudism/naturism.
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LikeDislikeIn the 1970’s at a small resort near Woodstock, NY called Su Casa
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LikeDislikeThe first time I was interested was back in college. I stayed in our rented house over Christmas break since I was working on campus. The neighborhood that I lived in was mostly college students. I was sitting out on my balcony one night and a couple of girls were running down the street naked. I got their attention and ended up joining them on a run down to the beach. We had a few drinks and I never saw them again. A couple of nights later, we had a snow storm and I decided to go out and play in the snow naked.
About 10 years later, I ended up going to a nudist resort near where I live and have taken a couple of vacations to visit resorts in Florida, California, Arizona and even a nudist convention and hotel in Las Vegas.
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LikeDislikemy husband Alan got me involved, at first did not want to. even our kids but as they got older they stopped. our oldest granddaughter likes to go, we took her as young as 4 months. met a lot of awesome people. :)
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LikeDislikeSaw a couple people at some hot springs. Shaky knees the first time. After that, cake. Never going back. Every reason you could possibly think of not to do it is defeated almost instantly. Negative experiences are rare.
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LikeDislikeRaised as a nudist and raised the kids clothing optional. Wife, June, started going nude when she was 8 and went skinny dipping with her sisters
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LikeDislikeSame time I started smoking. In the womb!
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LikeDislikeSarcasm will get you everywhere.
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LikeDislikeMy husband and I went skinny dipping the first night we met after a discussion about why people are so weird about public nudity. After that, we went to a music festival that was hosted on a nude beach and loved it. We went to a nude beach or club a couple of times a year, but mostly were just nude around the house. We moved to Florida and found out about FYN’s events and then we were REALLY hooked! FYN made it so fun and accessible AND FINALLY we got to hang out with people our own age. We moved to the DC area and realized that lots of people our age were traveling all the way to FL to go to fun young nudist events, so we decided to start a local chapter of Vita Nuda!
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LikeDislikeI started swimming nude alone when I was 16 or so. I had to restrict this to night time but was able to recruit a few friends to join me on occasions. When I was in college I worked at a summer camp and the other staff members and myself used to skinny-dip at night too. A few of us realized the ridiculousness of wearing bathing suits during the day (where we didn’t have to) and often several of us would hike out to a remote swimming hole during the day if we had free time. It wasn’t until I was in grad school that I went to my first clothing-optional hot spring in Colorado. It was the first time I was able to spend days at a time being nude and also not have to worry about getting busted by the authorities or offending some textile that happened to stumble on us. It was so relaxing and everyone I met was welcoming.
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LikeDislikeI found that I enjoyed finding remote locations to skinny-dip and sun myself,but always solo. Later on business in my early 20’s, they sent me across the country to San Diego where I overhead people talking about Black’s beach. I was there for the weekend with nothing better to do, so I decided to go there and check it out. It took about an hour before I disrobed. I instantly liked it, seeking out other nude beaches in my travels and eventually trying a few landed clubs. By the time I was 30, I was involved with several clubs and organizations.
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LikeDislikeIt was an evolution rather than a revolution.
In my mid teens I started sleeping naked and found that getting up in the morning and getting dressed was a real chore so I would spend as much time as possible in the morning naked in my room before “having” to get dressed. So step 1 was simply discovering how nice it was to be naked in private.
Step 2 – came in my early twenties. I shared a flat with a glamour photographer and the place was always littered with contacts and prints of naked bodies. You soon become a little immune to naked imagery when you are surrounded by it 24×7. Seeing naked flesh was no longer a big deal, even in the slightly provocative context of glamour photography. This “immunity” also rubbed off on our friends. Most of our social group didn’t have their own place so Friday night and Saturday night outings tended to start at our flat. It was small and crowded and it simply wasn’t possible or practical to claim space to get washed/ bathed/showered/changed etc in private – so guys and girls alike would turn up from work and prepare for a night out together. There was a level of modesty protection going on but social semi-nudity was common and thus the next barrier was broken. Being seen by others (friends)in a non-sexual context and realising that it was no big deal.
The final hurdle for me was then public nudity. Getting your kit off in front of strangers. This happened by accident, my girfriend(now wife) and I were on holiday in France and found ourselves walking to a less densely populated end of a beach. As we walked, the balance of naked to clothed people shifted to the point where we were pretty much the only people dressed on the beach. It just seemed to make sense to strip off as well. No stupid towel dance as you try to change into swimwear, no irritating sand in swimwear seams chaffing bodily crevices and that first naked swim in the Atlantic was just the best feeling in the world. Better yet, no one seemed the least bit interested in the fact that we were naked. So the final hurdle – public nudity – was scaled.
Since then we’ve never been on a holiday that didn’t afford us the opportunity to get naked. We did however learn the importance of sunscreen that day – Jeez we burned!
Today? Well now we run a clothing optional campsite in Montenegro and stay naked for most of the summer. So if you’re thinking of trying out a naked holiday, be warned, there’s every chance it will change your life forever :-)
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