14 year old nudist
I’m 14,male,I live with my mom and I enjoy nudism,but I want to practice it full-time,so how can I bring this up and hopefully get her ok ?
I’m 14,male,I live with my mom and I enjoy nudism,but I want to practice it full-time,so how can I bring this up and hopefully get her ok ?
Depends on your mom. I was in your situation some 50 years ago but knew I would get a “no” so I didn’t bother to bring it up. I just waited 7 years and then became a nudist on my own. If you have the courage you might invite her to look at the web sites of http://www.aanr.com/ and http://www.naturistsociety.com/ with you and open a dialog about what you find there.
Also, not sure what you mean by “practice it full time.” Even if your mom did take you to nudist resorts, you would still have to go to school and do other things that require clothes.
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LikeDislikeIf you have a close relationship and communication with your mother. One option you could try is to leave some naturist related leaflet, flyer, magazine around. She may then flick through the pages to get an idea about the lifestyle. There’s a few options you can do but it depends on your current situation. With myself I had a distant communication with my family amongst other things going on at the time. I used to wait until my family left the house until I could strip off in peace. I understand the frustration. But I was lucky that I used to escape to nature surroundings near my grandmothers holiday home as I was a growing child. If you need any more details, feel free to contact myself via my Facebook, Twitter pages or maybe you can contact one of several naturist organisations like, AANR, British Naturism. Best of luck.
A lot depends on how liberal your Mom is and what her mindset on nudism is. I was faced with a similar situation when I was your age and when I tried to explain to my own Mom, she absolutely forbade me from practicing any kind of nudism at gome or with her knowledge. If your Mom is an open minded, reasonable person, she may accept your desire to be a nudist and at least allow it in your home. Otherwise you’ll have to do what I did and that is sneak it when nobody was home until I was old enough to move out.
Mark, you could try an incremental approach instead of the big-boom discussion. When you shower do you have a towel or bath robe tied with a death grip or do you walk from your room to the bathroom naked? You could try being looser with the towel or robe, just walking confidently between your room and bathroom. If your mother says nothing or anything positive then slowly and incrementally get more natural about being naked around shower time. If she says nasty stuff like wear clothes, put on your robe and tie it shut, then you know she won’t be so amiable towards your nudity. You can just apologize and walk away. Remember, this is a woman who birthed you, wiped your bottom, and has seen you naked as a newborn up until sometime in the recent past. She most likely won’t be offended about you being self confident about your own body. Let us know how it turns out please.
I’d recommend sleeping nude. Maybe she’ll see your clothing by the bed and realize your underwear are there too. Or maybe the covers will get kicked off on a warm evening. If she checks on you she’ll get more accustomed to it happening.
The biggest thing is what we nudists really are trying to accomplish – separating nudity from shame and from sex. If she thinks it’s a sex thing she will appropriately freak out. But if she sees a lack of shame on your part, maybe some of the predicted resistance will chip away.
As a dad with three sons, I would caution against drawing battle lines and preparing for war. Parents are concerned about the development of their kids. Your Mom should be carefully made to understand what you are doing or you should be content to keep it private until you are of age. If you do it the wrong way she will never accept it. Gay kids have exactly the same issue, albeit in a completely different situation. Preserve the relationship. You will have decades of naked bliss ahead of you so waiting a few years won’t kill you.