Naked in Public – How can you do that?
I am such a modest person. How can you just get naked in front of other people? Aren’t you embarrassed?
I am such a modest person. How can you just get naked in front of other people? Aren’t you embarrassed?
It can be intimidating at first, but it doesn’t take very long at all before you start feeling a lot more comfortable with it. When you take your clothes off and realize that everyone around you is treating you no differently than they would if you were dressed, and that people completely accept you no matter what you look like, it is very easy to be comfortable. Before long, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t start sooner :)
I think originally its easy to be self-conscious about if people are looking at you, what are they thinking about if they are looking, but after awhile you realize that no one really cares if you are naked or not, at least in a nudist environment, and its liberating. For me, I found being naked I do have a higher self-image of myself than I did before I became a nudist. it was difficult at first, but I didn’t care anymore what people thought when they looked at me.
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LikeDislikeYou can be a nudist and still be modest. Look at all of the advertising we are barraged with on a day-to-day basis. The models are dressed in skimpy outfits that exude sex. Compare that to a group of nude people simply socializing on a beach or by the pool. Which is less modest?
As for embarrassing, I’ve never understood what there is to be embarrassed about. We all what parts men and women have. What does a tiny bathing suit really cover? Is a swimsuit really necessary?
Strangely not. In my case, I think I have my first girlfriend to thank: within days of meeting her we were naked together, and even slept together that way (without having sex: that came later). Somehow she made it all feel normal and natural, as if it would have been strange not to, and — especially given the circumstances — oddly unsexual. I was totally comfortable being naked with her, and somehow all self-consciousness just evaporated. It has now reached the point where, so long as I know no-one who’ll see me will be offended by it, I’m actually more comfortable naked than clothed. I feel more myself, and more confident with it.
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LikeDislikeMy response to your question is, What are you embarrassed about? Everybody knows what equipment everyone has. What big secret are you keeping by covering up certain bits of our bodies. I understand that the nudity taboo was knocked into your head since early childhood but you have to ask yourself WHY. What is the big deal? I don’t minimize the fear. It took me several decades to overcome my childhood conditioning. I denied myself a very pleasant experience for most of my life for no good reason.
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LikeDislikeStart with a little skinnydipping, at night, alone or with a friend. It feels good. Really good. You’ll want to do it again, and again…
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