Nudists – Will everyone be shaved or natural pubic hair?
Shaved Nudist – I like to keep a clean shaven pubic hair look at all times. Does everyone go shaved or natural?
Shaved Nudist – I like to keep a clean shaven pubic hair look at all times. Does everyone go shaved or natural?
it`s up to u u have to be on ur nature live on ur way be shaved or not it`s all up to u
There are many sorts of nudists out there. You can be o naturale, or shaved. You’ll find both kinds of nudists almost anywhere you go.
Indeed there are “many sorts of nudists” and most are friendly, easy to get along with and will scarcely notice if you’re shaved, trimmed, or natural.
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LikeDislikeIt is a personal issue… people will walk around as they feel comfortible.
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LikeDislikeWe naturists come in both shapes and sizes.Therefore,we also come trimmed,shaved,or unshaven.Either way we walk around and feel comfortable with confidence.So just be proud for what you truly are…A Nudist.
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LikeDislikeI once met a fellow at a resort that hade 30-40 piercings, and none were visible when clothed. It was almost funny, since you could hear him walking up behind you due to the jingling noises he made when he walked. We became good friends, and his piercing made for some interesting conversations…especially with someone meeting him for the first time. They didn’t want to “notice” his piercings, and would aviod saying anything about them. This was due to not wanting to be caught looking at his genitals. Talk about avioding the 800 pound gorilla in the room! One time we were relaxing having a beer, and we were introduced to someone that didn’t know him. This poor girl looked everywhere but below his belt (if he had had one on).This poor thing was bright red, and I finally blurted out, “So Tim, I hear your thinking about getting a ball and chain?” He looked at me, “I am not getting married, at least not that I know of”. Looking back at him, “No silly, I mean dangling from your penis.” This broke the ice, in front of the new friend, and we could laugh at my joke, and discuss the subject. The attitude is the same with pubic hair, everyone notices, but it doesn’t matter, and it won’t get mentioned…unless the hair is some kind of 800 pound gorilla…If you have your pubes trimmed into the Statue of Liberty, or Michaelangelos “David”, or something conversation worthy.
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LikeDislikeWhile I find that most women in nudist venues are shaved (men have a wider variety of body hair types, from what I’ve seen,) nudists are accepting of any way of styling or omitting body hair. It’s personal preference. :)
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LikeDislikeFrom my personal experience, the vast majority shave. I think of it as good grooming and I keep up the grooming, even when there are no nudists events in the near future.
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LikeDislikeThe nudist community is the same as any other. Some Shave, some are closely trimmed and some have all the hair that can grow. All are welcomed.
As for piercings, some have em, some don’t not a big deal.
The whole idea behind nudism/naturalism is that we are all as we are. Accept me as I am and I will do the same to you when we meet.
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