How do you train a child Nude Beach Etiquette and keep your home sanitary?
I’ve been to family naturist homes and realized that kids are not as clean and sanitary as most adults who are accustomed to wiping themselves after using the potty or sitting on a towel. This makes me wonder how do you properly train a child to keep clean and learn the “nude beach etiquette” mannerisms while growing up in a family naturist household? It seems this would be another principle to drill into the child and watch over constantly until he/she reaches the age of maturity. Are there any key tricks of the trade you can recommend?
What about outside of the home at family nudist resorts…I’d hate to have to discipline my child for not sitting on a towel when visiting a resort. It just seems so silly even though it serves a greater purpose.
In the meantime, what methods of discipline do you recommend for something like that? My parents used to pull my pants down and spank my bare bottom when I was a child which appears to be much more of an advantage for naturist parents. Friends of mine used to recommend that I wore extra layers if panties when I knew I was going to get a good spanking, let’s just say no child is perfect.
Well, you don’t want the child to equate the towel with punishment. I think perhaps a reward system of some kind for when they use the towel properly, and maybe no TV or something similar when they don’t.
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LikeDislikeI know one family with a youngster who would forget about the towel-rule, so sometimes they’d put him in underwear just to not have to worry about it. When kids are little I think everyone should be a little forgiving about that when they are running around in a naturist setting. That’s my only input! :)
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LikeDislikeI came into a family in progress with a nasty “ex” problem, so I made no attempt to bring up the kids that way. But a cousin and other families I know have. It seems pretty straightforward. Violate the rules and you’ll spend some time in clothes while others around you are free to be nude. Clothing as punishment, because clothing is punishment.
That said, parents learn to tolerate a certain amount of insensitivity and yes, unsanitary behavior anyway. Some pet owners seem to have completely resigned themselves to it, and others put up with it.
You jsut have to be mindful and more aware!