How do you feel about groups collaborating both nudism and swinging?
Nudism by definition means “non-sexual nudity” even while it is diversified as a whole to every day living. Does this definition apply to sexual acts done so in the privacy of ones own home? How then does a nudist feel to groups collaborating both nudism and swinging?
Nudism is not, ever, swinging. When a group of nude people cross the line to swinging, it is not, in any way, nudism.
What you describe is swinging. Period.
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LikeDislikeLust says the body is an object to use and abuse. Nudism says the body is a beautiful and valuable person. The line between naturism and swinging is not thin by any means. If a group of swingers use naturism as a gateway to swinging, then their behavior is not condoned by the nudist community.
NO! Swinging and nudism are poles apart. They are incompatible, irreconcilable and mutually exclusive.
I think that whether one is dressed or nude it is not bad if one approaches, but is polite about it. Just because one is a nudist does not mean they are open to swinging, but some would be. The one thing us in a nudist setting you see another’s nude body. I don’t view ones thoughts as bad, it is what they do about it.
I agree with you Myron. Nudism brings alot of lifestyles into one activity or the nudist lifestyle. The nudist population is as varied as a random clothed population
I would have difficulty identifying four swinger couples at a nudist resort unless they were engaging in sex in front of everyone. That sort of thing will get them kicked out, but what goes on in someone’s RV, tent, cabin, etc is really no one else’s business.
I accept that some people are both nudists and swingers. And I realize that they’re sometimes more open about being swingers, given our theme of acceptance. But swinging has nothing to do with nudism and it makes most of us very uncomfortable. No less than if they were that open about it at a public campground or resort. More uncomfortable, actually, since that what many people on outside assume we do, ruining our reputation with the community.
What they do in private is their business. But if they talk about it or try to solicit others openly, they have to go.
There are many nudists who are swingers and vice versa. In my opinion mixing the two hurts the nudist movement and gives the textiles the idea that we are all a bunch of nymphomaniacs, a stereotype that we could definitely do without.