“Nudist orgy” is an oxymoron! No such thing. You can have an orgy with people who are nudists in a non-nudist setting. But you can’t have a “nudist orgy.” In any case, this is not a question about nudism and thus not appropriate for this site. Try asking it on a forum for questions about sex and sexuality.
Orgy: A wild party, esp. one involving excessive drinking and unrestrained sexual activity. Note the lack of mention of nudity. Just because sex is just one of the many (if not most) things most comfortably done naked, doesn’t mean being naked with others has to be sexual.
Troll posting. This had nothing whatsoever to do with nudism.
“Nudist orgy” is an oxymoron! No such thing. You can have an orgy with people who are nudists in a non-nudist setting. But you can’t have a “nudist orgy.” In any case, this is not a question about nudism and thus not appropriate for this site. Try asking it on a forum for questions about sex and sexuality.
Orgy: A wild party, esp. one involving excessive drinking and unrestrained sexual activity. Note the lack of mention of nudity. Just because sex is just one of the many (if not most) things most comfortably done naked, doesn’t mean being naked with others has to be sexual.