Losing Friends Over Nudism
I went to Gunnison nude beach last summer by myself and I got sunburned on my back because I didn’t have anyone with me who could put sunblock on for me. The sensation of being naked under the sun was the best feeling I think I’ve ever had and I want to share that with my friends, but I’m afraid that even asking the question of whether they would want to go to a nude beach with me would cause them to feel uncomfortable and they would be less likely to want to hang out with me in the future. How can I see if my friends would be interested in nudism without risking them as friends?
I was very worried about sharing the fact I am a nudist with my friends for a long time. My parents openly made fun of it and culture was against it.
But I told my good friend about it one day, trusting she would be reasonable about it, even if she wasn’t interested. Turns out, she was interested too and didn’t want to say anything either. It lead to one of the first really serious conversations we ever had. Fast forward about 5 years and we’re getting married later this year ;)
That said, we’ve shared our lifestyle with our friends, we’re more brave now that we introduce it together. For this past New Year’s, we had ourselves and three of our friends spend the last part of 2015 nude.
My point is, just ask them what they think about it. If they’re real friends, they’ll either be interested or tell you that they’re uncomfortable with it and then life goes on.
If they won’t be your friend anymore because you’re asking their opinion of a new idea, maybe you shouldn’t be friends anyway?
If you ever manage to ask one of them, good luck!
Unless you’re being pushy and annoying, your true friends won’t leave you
Don’t live in fear of judgment of others.
Any “friends” who would stop being your friends because you enjoy nude sunbathing were not very good friends in the first place. Your real friends are people who know about you and still like you anyway, even if they don’t share all your interests.
It might be less threatening if, instead of beginning with an invitation to join you, you begin the conversation by simply sharing your joy at nudist beaches. Saying “when I do this … I feel ….” should not threaten anyone. Their reaction will be your guide how to continue. If positive and genuinely curious, then you might follow up with an invitation.
As with anything, it depends on who it is. You have to be the judge, some people you can just talk openly about it while with others, you can’t say a word.
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LikeDislikeI have been very open with my friends about being a nudist. For the most part, it is well received. Most think it is cool, freeing, and so on, but they say they could never do it. Occasionally someone will say they are into joining me, but when it comes down to an actual invite, there are a million excuses not to come along. I get it means taking a whole day, a long trip, and spending a little money, but still, those are excuses. Some people like that I have gotten, after asking many times, to actually join me, and then they wonder why they didn’t try it sooner!
So from all of that, I have a few friends who are converts to nudism and want to get more and more to join us, so it kind of snowballs a little bit from that point. I know about seven people who will join me on trips now when they can.
None of my friends have reacted very negatively. Some are neutral, or think its weird, but it never is something that came between me and someone else. Of course, you know based on conversations on related topics if someone has a chance of being comfortable with nudism or not. If someone comes across as very closed minded or puritan, maybe nudism is not a good subject to bring up. I think most people are ok with the idea, even if they won’t do it.