Random POP ups as in – Erections in Nudism
Okay I am a 19 year guy with has been wanting to get into nudism / naturism but its really embarrassing because I’m still young and something tends to pop up all the time but I’m not trying to thing about it or look at people in a sexual way… Does anyone have any suggestions??? And I can’t go many places because I’m single and others thing I just a perv but its not true!!
Sorry for the spelling
This question is the most commonly asked by men who have never been to a nudist resort. Those who have realize that it is not a sexual situation and so it is not an issue. For more information, see
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LikeDislikeThe anticipation is always more exciting than the experience of mixed nude activity and the harder one tries to not think about it, the worse it gets. That’s how it was for me and, I think, for most men. Consider this:
Every man you meet at a nudist event has experienced what you are going through and are sympathetic. Most informed women understand as well. We all had our first time.
All of us worried about uncontrollable physical arousal and were pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t so bad.
You will have a towel (a virtual requirement for nudists) which can serve as a cover in an emergency. You can hide yourself as well by lying down.
In five decades of nude recreation, I’ve seen involuntary reactions in men only twice and we were all sympathetic with the young men, a teenager in both cases. No one screamed in horror and demanded they be cast into the outer darkness. (A handful – pun intended – of cases where the stimulation was intentional were met with indifference or expulsion from the park.)
Don’t let fear of embarrassment stop you. Life is too short not to go for what you really want. Facing down your fear will be a huge boost for your confidence, improve your self-esteem, and you’ll have a good time as well.
I wonder why it is such a big deal? There are so many wonderful things to experience being nude that it is curious to me why mostly men have concerns about other men’s penis engorgement and imply shame to the poor chap. My advice as one who has been to a number of resorts and beaches in California, seeing and having erections is no big deal and most are tolerant, it is the bad behavior of the person that will cause concern, and it is pretty easy to tell who the troublemakers are. The institutional nudists often “protect” their brand by telling the same lines: no big deal, it is natural blah blah blah, but cover it up! That is implying shame and guilt or trying to protect their image. I have seen enough erections at these places to know it happens and people ignore or even admire. Don’t worry, live your life and enjoy the nudist experience!
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