my girlfriend is not sure about nudism :(
So im going to lanzarote with my girlfriend im 21 she is 18 and i want to go to a nude beach and be myself she knows i love every aspect of it but she is unsure.
I love her to bits and want to have kids with her and take my kids to things like this so they can grow up not being ashamed of what they are but she dont get it also im going to the beach north of teguize
can i have any hints and tips for me to get her in the spirit of throwing them cloths off and getting a proper holiday in :) thanks for ur time folks
She has agreed to come btw just to update you but do you now think it will give her a taste of what we can do hehe
Your GF is a character in ‘Idiocracy’??!
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Just make sure that the beach you go to is a “clothing optional beach”, as most are. Let her know that she doesn’t have to take her suit off. I would be willing to bet by the end of the day she will probably remove at least her top. Textiles feel out of place (almost prudish) in most clothing optional environments. DO NOT pressure her, DO NOT try to guilt her. You can ask or mention to her that she may be more comfortable taking something off. Of course offer to apply suntan lotion on her “untanned” regions. try to start a conversation with other nudists, preferrably a woman or women. Don’t be surprised if they “go to the restroom” together, in be happy if they do, don’t be surprised if she returns “showing a little more ” than when she left. Women have a tendancy to think that men only want to see their boobs, or more. In a textile world, their right! Remember that! Women are more likely to trust other women, than their boyfriends (believe it or not), especially in a new relationship. If you try to push her, you will only reinforce the fear of hers, that you just want her to show her boobs.
For the above comment; My wife corrected me. Starting up a conversation with a woman may not be a good idea, as she may feel threatened. If someone walks by be cordial and say hello, but don’t look for someone to start a conversation with. Let her be your center of attention. Inform her that these people will be doing the same activities they would if they had clothes.Inform her that to a nudity does not equal sexuality.
Well we are going to a optonal beach so il be in the nude and she will soon see that no one is botharing about it thanks for all the help guys i just hooe it rubs off on her for our next holiday to a all nude resort :) any recomendations on that ?