Does AANR do background checks on their members?
I heard that AANR does not do background checks on their members. Is this true? If so why should I bother to join this American Association if some of their members may be pedos or pervs. I only want to go to places with my kids that are safe. I also heard that they support swingers resorts. I want to get these facts straight which is why I am hear asking. Thanks!
First, almost all clubs, if not all clubs, before you join a resort will do an extensive background check to make sure they are not pedophiles or any other type of registered creeper.
Second, they do not support swinger resorts as far as I know, they are not against them, but nor do they support them. Thanks.
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LikeDislikeThose resorts that have turned toward the swinger type are dropped from AANR. There is a list of folks that are not allowed to be members so that the folks running clubs can evaluate potential members.
People overestimate the value of background checks, what they do and do not show. Very misunderstood. In the end, it’s my job as an adult to keep my wits about me, and be a good judge of who I spend time with, and how I spend time with them.
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LikeDislikeFrom my understanding aanr does not do them and most clubs do
I’ve been checked and investigated many times. For various government security clearances, to work with kids in schools, by charities, for access to restricted areas on airports, and for weapons permits. But for all that, with the exception of a few questions while hooked up to a polygraph, I could have easily hidden an inappropriate tendency. All the clubs are doing, and yes, they should do at least that much, is they check you against a registry of known sex offenders. Though I’ve been fingerprinted many times, I’ve never been asked by a club to do so to verify my identity, and I’ve never been asked by a club to pay for a complete criminal background check.
All of which would have only exposed whether or not I’ve been caught and successfully prosecuted, which may, or may not be relevant to my being around other nudists and their families.
Unfortunately, we still need to be careful, finding creeps and weeding them out to be ejected and blacklisted.