Why Is The Church Anti Nudism?
Why Is The Church Anti Nudism – So I have looked up and down and all over but I can find any arguments against nudism in the bible (new and old). Can someone explain to me why the church would be against nudity?
I suspect the main argument is about the garden of eden and original sin. They seem to miss the point that it was COVERING THE NUDITY that tipped God off to their transgression and was contrary to his instructions!
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LikeDislikeApart from that I think there are a few instructions about modesty here and there, but no announcements from burning bushes on the subject so far as I know.
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LikeDislikeAnd christians don’t seem to object to the prevelance of nudity in their religious iconography whether it be stained glass windows, statuary or religious icons – and the most frequent depiction of their spiritual leader, Jesus, is usually almost-naked and occcasionally totally naked!
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LikeDislikeIt has never made sense to me.
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LikeDislikeHide behind a shroud of lies.. and cover up the truth with shame.
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LikeDislikemakes no sence we are made in God’s image yet to some it’s ungodly to be nude?
we hide our light under a bussel by hiding our body under clothes
unless it’s -2 outside and snowing
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LikeDislikeWouldn’t it be great if the churches decided nudism was a way to promote peace and get closer to God?
The church is unable to divorce the concept of nudity from the concept of sex and lustful thoughts which are “sinful” and therefore evil.
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LikeDislikeYou are asking for LOGIC from the Church? I believe your answer goes back to St Augustine and his conclusion that sex was original sin. This, after a life of debauchery, when he then became a priest. Actually I always thought when Adam & Eve sinned they put clothes ON not off! Knowledge was the original sin; the last thing the Church wants you to do is think for yourself ourside the canon.
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LikeDislikeThat’s what I said. It was their attempt to cover their “shame” that told God (Hang on… isn’t he supposed to be omnipotent?) that they had eaten of the tree of knowledge and lost their innocence.
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LikeDislikeNow I get it: Smart people go to hell (or at least get their knuckles whacked.)
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LikeDislikeAs for sex – God ORDERED Adam and Eve to “Go forth and multiply”. It was an instruction. Original sin was disobedience! Therefore not only should we be nude if we were following God’s wishes, but we should take every opportunity to have sex as well!!!
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LikeDislikeConversely, original sin was gaining “knowledge of good and evil” so every time someone in the church makes a judgement on whether something is bad or not, they are REALLY rubbing God’s nose in it!!!!
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LikeDislikeMost are of the opinion that Adam and Eve were ashamed of their physical bodies. This is not true. They were ashamed that they had disobeyed God and it was their guilt that was naked and open to the eyes of an all seeing and all knowing God. Their response was not to ask God for forgivness but rather to perform an act of self righteousness by making fig leaf aprons. God was NOT pleased.
Regrettably, many neglect to read the Bible and continue the error for which Jesus criticized the Pharisees. They follow the traditions of men. Mark 7:7-9
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LikeDislikeMelissa, I would have to say that it is the lust most people attach to seeing a naked body. We have been taught that nude = sex. That good girls don’t show their naked body, and good boys don’t look. But I think it comes back to the sin of lust. I personally feel that ascantily clad woman is way more alluring than a nude one. Nudity is merely a comfort thing, not a sexual thing. I’m not realy sure where this is biblically supported, but let’s face it…not everything the church teaches is biblical
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LikeDislikeI’d go further; a lot of what the church teaches is explicitly NOT biblical.
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LikeDislikeDavid, I wasn’t bashing…depends which church you are referring too. I was just referring to the average Joe textile, I don’t think most nudists fit into the average Joe clothes (yes, pun intended)
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LikeDislikePersonally I make a disinction between the Religion, and the organisation which administers that religion (The Church). I believe that all major religions (except perhaps for buddhism and similar) are fundementally corrupt and most are locked into a dogma derived from centuries of their interpretations of (often corrupted) texts rather than the wisdom contained within those texts themselves. They are also unable to realise that all such texts are written of and about the times in which they were written and that some of the apparent-wisdom was applicable only to those times and is now redundant.
A good example is the fact that some people who ate (poorly cooked) pig products became ill and even died. It was wisdom at that time to ban pork/bacon/ham for that reason. This rule was incorporated into the sacred texts and the pig became an “unclean animal”.
Now we know that pigs have parasites and some bacteria which can be caught be humans leading to human diseases, but that thorough cooking can destroy these disease causing organisms and that modern hygiene plus modern cooking appliances make pork/bacon/ham perfectly safe to eat so long as proper precautions are taken to ensure it is thoroughly cooked.
However, because the rule has passed from being a law (to protect the population) to being a holy decree, the dogma cannot be changed and Orthodox Jews are still prevented from eating swine.
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LikeDislikeAnother example would be the word “Arsenokoites”. It exists in Leviticus and nobody knows what it means. We still don’t know what it means, but the only other known Leviticus-era use of the word was -if I remember correctly – in some kind of accounting table so, from the context and from the fact that it is banned in Leviticus we can guess that it may have been some kind of financial fraud.
Only somebody, somewhere along the line thought that “koites” looked a bit like “coitus” which means “sex” and that “Arseno” looked a bit like a reference to “arse” (an anglo-saxon word with no greek roots whatsoever) and through an inspiredly-bad piece of reasoning decided that this unknown word must mean “homosexual” and Leviticus has been interpreted that way ever since.
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LikeDislikeWould somebody please ask the Westboro Baptist Church where in the New Testament Jesus tells us that God hates anything at all?
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LikeDislikeI’m reasonably sure the word “love” gets used a lot. Even for sinners.
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LikeDislikeI’m not knocking religion. I am not knocking christianity and I am not knocking the bible (which people who think they know what it says should really read more carefully). I am knocking the organisations that claim to speak for God (without gaining any evidence of his permission) and who preach a mix of bigotry and hatred in his name. Not all churches are as bad, but I have yet to find a single one which wsan’t guilty of this kind of misrepresentation at least somewhere along the line.
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LikeDislikeNot the religion…it’s the fan club you disagree with!
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LikeDislikeIt’s the good, old “Protestant work ethic” which holds that the harder you work and the more you suffer here on earth, the better your chances of getting into Heaven,,,while the reverse holds true for people who lead a more hedonistic lifestyle of sex and related nudity.
And it’s just called that, it also holds true for most earthly religions in one form or other
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LikeDislikeEddie, not so sure where Hedonism and nudism are related???
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LikeDislikethis is EXACTLY what I was referring to in my earlier post about the equasion of nude = sex!!!
A typical snobbish nudist attitude,,,,,If you think of getting pleasure out of anything that feels good, be it chocolate candy or being nude, it’s hedonistic. Hedonism is more than just a sexual nudist resort in the Caribbean.
Sorry if I offended…I guess I’m a bit tired of nudism being corrupted by swingers, and the more sexual oriented groups.
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LikeDislikeTo me, nudism is not sexually oriented.
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LikeDislikeNude = feels good,,,,,,feels good = pleasure,,,, pleasure = hedonism,,,,,Definition of HEDONISM: the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life. (Mirriam Webster) So many nudists get defensive when you use words like sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, etc. Yes, pure nudism isn’t at all about sex,,,but life, with or without clothing, to a certain extent is. I’m not a swinger or a pervert, but I’m certainly a normal, sexually active man, and I look at nudist women the same way I look at clothed women. Why do nudists fear sex so much? (OK, folks, let her rip!!! :))
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LikeDislikeWe do not fear sex Eddie, We fear for our children, against the groups you mentioned, exhibitionist, voyeurs, pedophiles. So yes, we are protective, especially in a vulnerable setting like being nude. We are always alert for those red flags, and when you mentioned Hedonism…I reacted…like I said, didn’t mean to offend.
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LikeDislikeno offense taken, Douglas,,,,it’s just that sometimes I feel that being a nudist takes away a lot of my own personal freedoms,,,,,,”no single men allowed”, “no piercings allowed”, “no looking allowed”, God forbid you even hint at getting an involuntary erection or say something complimentary to a female that would be considered OK if she were dressed, and so on,,,,,, Nudists ask for tolerance from textiles but sometimes are not easily willing to give it within their own ranks.
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LikeDislikeWe get taken advantage of…we’re just protective. But yes, you are right about the discrimination.
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LikeDislikeThis guy has done a lot of Biblical research on nudity in the Bible… http://thebiblicalnaturist.blogspot.com/
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LikeDislikeThe closer you get to the author, the less you care about what the book fan club thinks.
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LikeDislikei don’t know, but they say adam & eve were naked!!
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LikeDislikeThe Church is anti nudist because they (As the majority of the population) Don’t differentiate between Non Sexual Nudity and sexual nudity.
The Church is anti sex and because they don’t know our lifestyles they believe that we engage in inappropriate sexual acts. Recently I spoke with a Chatolic priest and I told him that i am a Naturist. His first reaction was quite negative but 20 minutes later he changed his mind and even apologised and he say ” The problem with nudist is that we don’t know what you are all about and because very little informations about you exist we imagine with our mind what you will do in the nude”
That’s is our problem.
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LikeDislikea way to exercise power and make people feel guilty and ashamed. Check out the book “Nudity and the Bible. Can’t remember the author.
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LikeDislikeFrom what I researched: Pope John Paul II: “The human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve intact its splendour and its beauty… Nakedness as such is not to be equated with physical shamelessness… Immodesty is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person…The human body is not in itself shameful… Shamelessness (just like shame and modesty) is a function of the interior of a person.”
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LikeDislike“The Church” is not the religion. The president of a non-landed club I belonged to was an ordained minister, and I’ve meet many religious people, including other clergy, at nude beaches and nudist resorts. They’re fine with it. I’m fine with it with regard to my beliefs.
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LikeDislikeIt has something to do with shame, and vanity. Hey I go to church and I see nothing wrong with it.
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