Why do nudists and the nudism movement fear sex?
Why is the word sex so taboo in nudism? If people don’t have a problem talking about sex and sexuality while clothed, then why is it such a no no when naked? Isn’t the idea of nudism is to simply be naked but otherwise everything else is exactly the same?
Who said that nudists fear sex? I, as a nudist do not fear sex. I as a nudist fear the equality of nudity and sexuality. Most textiles (non-nudists) equate nude and sex. This stereotype is the origin of why nudists are thought of as perverts, going around having orgies all of the time.This prejudice is what we fear, as it makes us go off in the corner and hide our naturism. This is the stereotype that keeps us from becoming respected within society. A nudist male is thought of as a pervert, and a nudist female is thought of as have loose morals. Nudists do not fear sex, we love sex, what we fear is societies predisposition to hang labels on people.
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LikeDislikeThe nudist movement has spent 75 years enforcing rules that denied any kind of affection toward another out of fear the outside world would take it as proof we were all sex perverts behind those tall walls. Funny thing is, the outsiders do anyway. Our club denies sexual behavior at events but we never deny honest conversation about a normal human function.
Of course they do. Those tall walls would make anyone suspicious. Let’s get rid of them!