How do you think the nudist community would react to a small penis?
I have thought about going to a nude beach or resort, however, I am VERY self-conscious about my penis. I think I may have the smallest one I have seen and that in itself is keeping me from nude venues. Please let me know what you think and what you would speculate the nudist community would think.
Real nudists won’t judge. It’s not a beauty contest. They’ll be more impressed with a positive attitude than any physical asset, I guarantee it. The philosophy of nudism is that everybody is beautiful. In other words, I wouldn’t worry about it.
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LikeDislikeHaving been a nudist for almost two years, I can say that nobody cares what you have or don’t have.
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LikeDislikeI say that people care, but they don’t care. You’ll see all shapes and sizes ..of everything. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin and accepting your own skin and everyone else’s
It’s all about confidence, just give it a try.
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LikeDislikeThe nudists I know who have seen one didn’t seem to care at all. It was just another part of the body that had little to no focus in social interaction.
I agree. Nudists don’t care. Most of them won’t even notice, because they aren’t likely to be paying attention to such things. It’s a commonly asked question, but not something worth worrying about.
I am a nudist and it really doesn’t matter what size you are. You accept people for who they are. No one will really care :)
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LikeDislikeShouldn’t be any reaction. Anymore than big boobs
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LikeDislikeThere would be zero reaction.
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LikeDislikeNobody would care; that’s one of the great things about nudism. Everything’s on show, but no-one cares whether you’re tall or short, fat or thin, big or small. You have nothing to hide and nothing to worry about; it’s wonderfully liberating.
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LikeDislikeMost guys lie about their size anyway, it is really not a big deal. No pun intended.
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LikeDislikeThe smallest of penises can’t be seen…..and if there is nothing to see, then there is nothing to react to. If you can see it, then it’s not small ;)
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LikeDislikeRelax, what each of us has is what the Lord gave us and He makes NO mistakes!
People that are truly into nudity (other than the small minority of creeps and perverts) really don’t care. When you go to a clothing optional/nudist area, you will see people of ALL shapes and sizes. Fact of the matter is, no one cares, any more than when people walk down the street.
Give it a shot! You won’t regret going and, after a few minutes, you won’t be worried about your penis size anyway.
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LikeDislikeAs a naturist, I strongly agree with every one.It’s all about confidence.If you really good about your body like we do,chances are you won’t worried about what others think.Again,it’s all about confidence.Just keep it natural and love the way you are.
something which never occured to me when i became a nudist was the size of my penis.
the nudist community couldnt care less about the size of your penis, it’s no more relevant that the size of your nose, finger, toe or any other bit of your body.
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LikeDislikeThat’s rediculous. Of course it’ll be fine.
There was this one time I saw a guy sportin’ a huge bush at the nude beach which completely covered his penis. Yes, there was a reaction from me and it was more so out of respect for his willingness to put himself out there completely au naturale!
The male or female genitalia loses its purpose for visual stimulation in the nudist world because the person is looked upon as a whole rather than parts specific. Although, I admit hair always stands out more so than the color of the skin. Coming from a woman, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
a male nudist can be looking at the whole female nudist’s body and get an erection as he was visually stimulated
the male nudist can be looking at her genitalia and not get an erection when he wasn’t stimulated in a visual way
looking at the person’s body doesn’t always determine if they’ll lose a visual stimulation in a nudist environment
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LikeDislikeMost men I think are too hung up on this, really all I look at is your penis? My other thought is how many have you seen? Maybe it is not as small as you think.
I would say the opposite is true. I am more likely to notice a large penis, it just sticks out like big boobs. You can not miss the big ones and never think about the other ones.
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LikeDislikeI think Rosa is dead on. I was shy about mine, always thinking it was tiny. Granted, I’m a “grower, not a shower”, so my flaccid size seemed small. On what basis? Porn, of course! Once I started to research naturism and nudism, I suddenly realized that about half the pictures out there looked a lot like me on every level – body shape, and penis size. None of the respectable sites show an erect penis so now my comparison sample set got a lot more manageable.
You will not find a more accepting community than this one. And we’re all working on separating the sex from nudity. If you are looking at porn, or some of the disreputable naturism sites, stop it. Within a few days you might be far more accepting of yourself. After a while you won’t even think about the issue, especially after you come out for the first time publically.
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LikeDislikeAt the end of the day, penis envy is more of a guy issue than a girl’s. Some girls might look to have a fling and would prefer to do so with a well hung guy but what they look for love they think differently. There is more than one way to satisfy a lady ;)
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LikeDislikeI almost think for men the biggest fear being seen nude is the size of your penis where women their biggest fear being seen nude is if they are overweight..most nudists care not for either one they just see you as nude and happy.
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LikeDislikeNobody will care and that is not just a standard answer. I can say that with certainty.
We don’t care how small your nose is or how small your fingers are. Why should we care about how small or not some other part of you is? We’re all different, and personally I like it that way.
They won’t react to a small penis. Nudists know that everyone looks different, and you’re no exception.
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