Are you for clothing optional or mandatory nudity?
I got into a discussion with someone about whether or not it is beneficial for nudism if nude beaches made nudity mandatory rather than clothing optional. This brought up the question I feel is important to ask all other fellow nudists. Are you more comfortable at places that enforce nudity as a requirement or would you prefer them to be clothing optional?
I personally don’t care either way but for beginners clothing optional is a good thing
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LikeDislikeI can agree with optional for beginners, but it should end at some point. I’ve seen long time regulars who spend less than half their time nude.
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LikeDislikeI don’t mind either way but I agree with Adam. Most beginners would eventually take their clothes off because nude people, as I have seen still outnumber at a clothing optional place, I remember from Elysium years ago…
I prefer the freedom of “clothing optional”. I would choose to go without when sensible and practical, but I appreciate the freedom of making my own choice.
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LikeDislikefreedom of choice is good for all. so making it optional is good enough especially if there are new people who are uncomfortable with it for the first time
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LikeDislikeWhile I love the availability of options for those trying nudism for the first time and I would love to attend activities either way, I think I’d rather have it be mandatory sometimes as it just seems better that way. Just as clothed people feel uncomfortable around a bunch naked people, I’d rather be nude without a bunch of clothed people running around.
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LikeDislikeOptional, everywhere!
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LikeDislikeagrees with wade..
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LikeDislikeThere are several possible quick answers, with perhaps the most & least helpful being “all is situational”…one obvious fact is that one cannot be forced to remove their clothes, only denied entry to a closed event….of course, doing such a thing can turn away those that are curious about the lifestyle, which described us all once as we were all ‘first-timers’ in the beginning. Of course most Nudists, especially those with families, are concerned over gawkers & pervs, & while mandatory nudity can alleviate that, it will not eliminate it entirely. I can say overall that making it optional is for the best in most cases, & should not bother most nudists….finding one’s self the lone nude one in a crowd of clothed people is unusual but not something bad (happened to me once so I speak from experience), & in a way affirms one’s feeling of being comfortable with one’s own nudity
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LikeDislikeI really feel it is up to the individual. It matters not to me. I prefer total nudity, but perhaps some people don’t. Just don’t take away my right to be nude.
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LikeDislikePersonally, nudism is to me not so much about being nude as it is about not making a big deal about nudity.
At beaches it should be optional because they are public places. At private venues such as clubs or naturist resorts, should be mandatory aside from reasonable sun or cold protection such as a robe.
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LikeDislikeI still have not met someone who experienced true nudism who later rejected nudism. A benefit of mandatory is that people like my wife would have actually experienced it. 20 years ago she finally agreed to go to a nudist resort with me. Since it was clothing optional, she never got naked except to skinny dip (the pools were no clothes allowed). She would either be a nudist now or, if not, I wouldn’t say that I have never met anyone who tried it as an adult and then rejected nudism. I think she would be a nudist and our life would be better… a huge potential benefit for the mandatory option. I agree there are benefits for giving people choice too.
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LikeDislikeIt’s a good topic
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LikeDislikeDefinitely mandatory. Cuts down on the looky-loo factor…
It depends. On the naturist beaches, it should be mandatory – otherwise you get the gawkers and pervert Textiles Clothing-optional beaches are OK, I guess, but they get the idiots. Naturist resorts should enforce nudity in various areas, like around the pool, and if they’re not clothing-optional for regulars they should have a policy of optional for first-time visitors.
yes, mandatory nudity is best!
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LikeDislikeI think clothing optional is the best way to bring new and interesting people into nudism. Personally I know several ladies that won’t go completely nude during their menstral cycle. I actually avoid venues where total nudity is required, I am fair skinned and do get sunburned, I want to option to cover up. Most of the “newbies” that I have met, don’t immediately go completely nude, at least until they feel comfortable with the people that are present. My wife will normally not go completely nude at a new resort, until she gets a feel for the people that are also visiting. She has been approached by swingers (and doesn’t appreciate that, especially after telling them she is not interested), and I can tell if she has been propositioned, as she will normally at least partially cover up. So, we normally DO NOT visit mandatory nudity venues.
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LikeDislikenot sure
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LikeDislikewell, if you go to a nudist camp to cover up save your money and go to the beach!
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LikeDislikeMandatory! Hey, that’s what we’re there for!
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LikeDislikeNOT MANDATORY. Ugh.
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LikeDislikeI wish the society is ready for clothing optional, everywhere.
Me too!!
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LikeDislikeDon’t we have enough rules? I hate words like “Mandatory”.
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LikeDislikeWhat I like about optional is it give a choice rather thaan a mandate. Think about no shirt no shoes, no service. I like the idea of being given a choice and would go into a restauran or Wal-Mate barefoot if I had the optiont
I feel at first some places should be clothing optional at first to transistion society slowly into it. I feel all public swimming pools should be considered C/O after 8pm. All lakes and other areas the same should always be C/O. Should no longer build fitness centers with segregated Men/Women locker rooms it should have one big locker area shared, shower area shared but I understand the idea of having the Mens toilets on the west end of this big connected room and womens toilets on east side. I feel within the law to protect nudists from being labeled as perverts etc is if your home has the sign on the exterior for the public to see it state “Clothing optional beyond this point” you legally have every right to be nude beyond that point of the sign on your own property. So example if I have that sign up I would not have to feel I should use a robe or cover up to answer the door for post office person or ups person etc.
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LikeDislikeThis is a difficult question for me. I like to be naked 24/7, but many times that has led to me being the only one, which makes me feel a bit awkward. I like the idea of mandatory so I won’t be alone, but I don’t want to intrude on anyone’s freedom of choice.
Mandatory scares people away from nudism,,,,give newbies a chance to slowly and comfortably become a nudist. Some people might like the nudist lifestyle and social experience, but are not ready to take it all off because of being self conscious of a scar or birthmark, or a monthly lady thing. :)
At my campground, I am happy that nudity is mandatory. One has to wonder why anyone would come to a nudist venue and still wear clothes. Some leeway is given to first-timers, or relatives of members who come down just to visit, but everyone is expected to be nude unless weather conditions prohibit exposure. On beaches, I believe they should all be clothing-optional. It’s simply ridiculous to put on clothes when going into the water to swim. I don’t like the idea of segregating beaches into nude and not-nude, but society is simply not ready for such common sense.
I also have a problem with mandatory nudity. People have to make up their own minds about when, for example, the weather demands clothing, or when they have had enough sun.
I never understand why people choose to be clothed when at a nudist or clothing-optional area unless the weather is poor or there is legit reason such as menstruation, sunburn, or using an arc-welder. I am usually fully nude from the moment I arrive until the moment I leave. While I wish everyone else visiting a Nudist or C/O place felt the same way, I feel it would not be right to force nudity on people. If no one is restricting your own ability to be nude and free, why would it be OK for there to be rules forcing nudity? Mandatory nudity, in my opinion, is in complete conflict with the ideals of nudism.
The only caveat I have is when it comes to saunas and steam rooms. Here, I feel clothing should not be allowed. I don’t have a problem with sauna users staying wrapped in a towel if they feel the need to, but the smell of a chlorine drenched swimsuit in a sauna is sickening.
Odd thing I saw today as well at Sunny Rest. I am used to seeing women wear sarongs or short wraps around their waists, but usually they take them off when entering a pool or spa. I counted at least three ladies there today who were swimming while wearing a wrap. It made little sense to me. If they sat in the spa the bubbles made seeing below the water impossible and in the pool, the wrap floated or opened when they swam exposing the butt and bits anyway. What’s the point of wearing one in the pool?
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LikeDislikeWhat you’ve cited with the “pool wraps” is exactly why some resorts have decided to go with a drastic “nude mandatory” policy. These policies exist because of people taking the CO policy a bit too far.
But I still don’t think you have to make nudity mandatory. At the resort, it begins with management making the newcomer feel welcome, and encouraging them to be nude without the pressure. At the beach though, it is nearly impossible to encourage much of anything. Nude beaches will probably always be CO.
BTW, I personally prefer a nude environment.
I prefer beaches remain clothing optional, but I prefer clubs where nudity is expected. Most beaches are on public land and the non-committal nature of being clothing optional invites people to come see what it’s about, and even stay awhile without having to commit to being nude. In my experience, the vast majority of people at CO beaches or in CO sections go nude. Enough that others feel comfortable being nude there.
At clubs, I don’t see the point of being CO other than to make it seem easier for first timers. I’d let first timers only on their first visit remain clothed if they want. With everyone else nude, they’ll feel more comfortable being nude than clothed, and will either join in, or not return. Problem solved.
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LikeDislikeI’m more of a fan of mandatory nudity because there are some times where I feel awkward if everyone else isn’t naked
If everyone is naked, we’re all the same but at CO beaches, there are a lot of gawkers looking for a good time. At a nudist resort, naked is the norm but we still need CO venues, like my favourite clothing optional cruises.
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LikeDislikeThis is a good question. It doesn’t really matter to me because I would want to be nude as much as I can. Most nudist resorts and such require you to skinny-dip. Again, doesn’t much matter to me :)