How do I tell my parents I want to be a Nudist?


So I have a unique situation. I showed my parents (http://www.purenudism.com/) And the flipped out about people alloying there kids to be on the website nude!
Anyway me and my dad where talking. (I live with him) And he said he would love to go to a nudist camp! And that was that we said nothing more… Should I still try to talk to him? (Please don’t kill me like yahoo answers people did thank you)


Do nudists let their kids read stuff like Playboy?


Do nudists let their kids read stuff like Playboy?


Should nudist child-rearing involve social nudity?


I was reading a post by Melissa, and I had a thought. If you did or were to raise your child(ren) as nudists, how import do you think it is for them to experience social/resort/beach nudism? Or is nude at home with Mom and Dad sufficient?


how do I tell my freinds and family that that im a recreational nudist?


how do i tell my family im a recreational nudist ?


What effects will social nudity have on my child while raising him in a naturist family?


I am a new naturist mom who has the desire to raise my child in a naturist family. From time to time I hear both pros and cons about the struggles kids face while trying to be “normal” along with the pros where these same kids don’t have to battle with image complexes. What effects will social nudity have on my child while raising him in a naturist family?