Really quite a blunt question for nudist women about penises and erections
…clearly intentional or not a male’s genitalia / penis sometimes has a mind of its own. I know in my own case while not aroused, I may appear more full shall we say then at other times. What is considered wrong, inappropriate? I think the same can be said for the physiological state of women’s or men’s nipples. Thanks! Sorry!
While certainly a blunt question, I think its a worthwhile topic to lay out there for all to comment. Particularly our female friends. Thanks!
How many times must it be said; nudism is NOT about sex?
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LikeDislikeA penis does not have a mind of it’s own, and never has. It only responds to a signal from the brain due to something the brain has interpreted as sexual stimulus.
Nipples, are not genitals. Back to school with you.
I dont know some times when I get relaxed like in my hammmock or by the pool I do get some what yet not fully erect with on sexule stimuli I think it the relaxed state cosing the blood vesuls relax and open in incresed blood flow to the “extremides” talking to my freinds Im not the only one who exspirents this efect
not the answer evry one likes to hear but it’s just the humen body .
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LikeDislikethats “no sexule stimuli” not “on sexule stimuli” clear that up
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LikeDislikeIm not saying that nudisum is sexual its about being free acsepting you self and others. its only skin
You really shouldn’t have to apologize for this question. It’s a valid, common, and good question. We are nudists, after all, if we can’t talk about our bodies, then what’s the point?
This is something that has been argued upon by nudists for a long time, and has at times been a point of contention. An erect penis is often associated with sexual arousal but that’s not the only time a penis becomes erect. A penis can become erect randomly or as a sort of system check(a.k.a morning wood). In fact, it is common for infants and unborn males to have erections. Also, erections are controlled by the parasympathetic system (located in your brain stem and spine) and not the central nervous system (your brain), so it very well could be said that it has a mind of its own. [Source: Wikipedia]
With all of that said, it is possible that more sensitive individuals may take offense at your erection. The rules around this really depend on the community, and I would talk try and talk to the staff of the club you are visiting to get their take on this. Some people will say that if you have an erection, you should cover up until it goes away. Other might say that as long as you are not trying to draw attention to it, it should be okay.
However, you say you appear erect when you’re not, which means that it will never “go away.” I would just say relax. Talk to the staff, make your concerns known, but I don’t think there will be too much problems with this. I think that most nudists will be understanding and sympathetic. They’ve probably seen enough penises to be able to tell the difference between your false erection and a real, full-blown, one.
This is a very common question coming from non-nudists. All I can say is that it does NOT happen. When in a social situation with other nudists, sex is just not on your mind. At least that is my experience.
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