my girlfriend is not sure about nudism :(


So im going to lanzarote with my girlfriend im 21 she is 18 and i want to go to a nude beach and be myself she knows i love every aspect of it but she is unsure.
I love her to bits and want to have kids with her and take my kids to things like this so they can grow up not being ashamed of what they are but she dont get it also im going to the beach north of teguize

can i have any hints and tips for me to get her in the spirit of throwing them cloths off and getting a proper holiday in :) thanks for ur time folks


Is Nudism Today Different From Nudism 30 years ago?


I am just wondering if nudism and the nudist movement as a whole have change over the years and if so then how?


What is the attraction of nudism?


What is the big attraction of nudism? Why do you do it?


What does it mean to be naked?


If you are wearing no clothing or material on your body except for a pair of shoes, are you still naked?

What is “naked”? According to some Canadians it seems, you’re not naked with only shoes on.


Naked in Public – How can you do that?


I am such a modest person. How can you just get naked in front of other people? Aren’t you embarrassed?