Why still do we do this? nudists still judge other nudists


Why is it that we as nudists still judge our own based on their marital status? Why do we preach acceptance, openness but will quickly tell a single nudist that they are not welcome among the rest of us? Sort of makes us look like full of shit hypocrites etc…I think we all as nudists were a single nudist at one time did we enjoy how we were treated by others?


Do nudists have any privacy even while showering?


I am only naked when I shower and change clothes of course. There was one time I was forced to be naked around others when I went to jail for a DUI. They made me shower next to other women completely nude. Since you are so used to being naked in front of others, where is your sense of privacy? Do you still shower in front of or with each other? Do the women also shower with men?


As nudists or naturists, are we REALLY unconcerned about body size?


I am a nudist, yet I weigh WAY over my ideal body weight. From many sites I have been to, I am told that I shouldn’t be worried as most nudists/naturists are very acceptive of everyone.

I want to believe this. However, that is usually covered by someone only marginally overweight. But what about people who are morbidly obese? Even the textiles don’t want to look at us. They snicker and laugh behind our backs.

Explain to me, please, how this is different in the nudist world.


Why do nudists and the nudism movement fear sex?


Why is the word sex so taboo in nudism? If people don’t have a problem talking about sex and sexuality while clothed, then why is it such a no no when naked? Isn’t the idea of nudism is to simply be naked but otherwise everything else is exactly the same?


Is Nudism Today Different From Nudism 30 years ago?


I am just wondering if nudism and the nudist movement as a whole have change over the years and if so then how?