How were you introduced to naturism or nudism?


I would love to hear some stories about how you first because involved in naturism or nudism, who told you about it, what your first experience was like and anything else you would like to share including any advice for anyone who is looking to try it out for the first time!


How did your extended family react when you told them you were a nudist?


I am just interested in seeing how others have encountered relatives reactions upon them finding out you were a nudist. Did they push you away, alienate you etc?


Should nudist child-rearing involve social nudity?


I was reading a post by Melissa, and I had a thought. If you did or were to raise your child(ren) as nudists, how import do you think it is for them to experience social/resort/beach nudism? Or is nude at home with Mom and Dad sufficient?


will you see nudity at a residence with a clothing optional sign?


I want to ask those of you who are not nudists, how do you feel if you come to a door to a residence to see the clothing optional sign indicating you will see nudity?


Do nudists have any privacy even while showering?


I am only naked when I shower and change clothes of course. There was one time I was forced to be naked around others when I went to jail for a DUI. They made me shower next to other women completely nude. Since you are so used to being naked in front of others, where is your sense of privacy? Do you still shower in front of or with each other? Do the women also shower with men?


Are you for clothing optional or mandatory nudity?


I got into a discussion with someone about whether or not it is beneficial for nudism if nude beaches made nudity mandatory rather than clothing optional. This brought up the question I feel is important to ask all other fellow nudists. Are you more comfortable at places that enforce nudity as a requirement or would you prefer them to be clothing optional?